Call for Papers Agreements and Disclosure Policy
Author Agreement
By submitting a proposal to present at the AZ IDA Learning & Literacy Symposium, you explicitly agree:
- If accepted, to adhere to the deadlines as detailed in the acceptance notification regarding additional information, presentation materials, etc.
- To provide appropriate evidence to support any claims related to efficacy, validity, or reliability of approaches to assessment or treatment.
- To offer evidence-based content in a manner that does not ridicule, defame or demoralize any individuals or groups.
- To complete, by the stated deadline, the required disclosures that identify any financial or nonfinancial relationship that may create a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest, as defined in AZ IDA’s guidelines concerning transparency and disclosure.
- To update your disclosure information and inform AZ IDA if you develop or acquire a financial or nonfinancial interest related to the content of your presentation at any time before the Symposium.
- To refrain from attempting to persuade attendees to purchase or use a specific product, service, piece of equipment, or device.
- That any research in which you participated and maybe discussing in this presentation is in compliance with mandated national and institutional policies and procedures pertaining to animal and/or human subjects research.
- To comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and to ensure the privacy of patients/clients by refraining from using names, photographs, or other patient/client identifiers in your presentation(s) without the patient’s/client’s knowledge and written authorization.
- To follow the guidelines for crediting authorship for research presentations as outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
- To obtain written permission from copyright holders for the use of any previously published material in your presentation or handouts.
AZ IDA’s acceptance of a proposal does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures.
If your session is accepted for presentation at the AZ IDA Learning & Literacy Symposium, all presenters (the actual speakers at the session, including the session moderators) will be required to complete the Presenter’s Agreement by May 15th. The Presenter’s Agreement specifically pertains to public presentations at the AZ IDA Learning & Literacy Symposium.
Disclosure Policy
Everyone submitting a presentation, or listed as a speaker for a presentation for consideration at an AZ IDA event, is required to complete a disclosure form indicating any financial or nonfinancial relationship related to the content of the proposed session.
Completion of the disclosure form is necessary for all IDA and ASHA continuing education providers to meet the ASHA Continuing Education Boards. This requirement promotes transparency in the design, development, and presentation of courses offered for ASHA CEUs, and aligns ASHA practices with current practices among other professions, particularly in the continuing medical education arena.
ASHA’s Continuing Education Board defines a conflict of interest as any financial or nonfinancial consideration or relationship relevant to course content that compromises or has the potential to compromise professional judgment. Providers of events offered for ASHA CEUs must identify and disclose to participants any such interest on the part of any speaker or instructor.
Examples of relevant and disclosable financial relationships may include:
- Being an employee of, or a paid consultant to, an organization whose product or service you discuss in your presentation
- Receiving grant funds for a research project you discuss in your presentation
- Receiving royalties from the sale of a book whose content you discuss in your presentation
- Patent holder
- Ownership interest (stocks, stock options, or other ownership interests)
Examples of relevant and disclosable nonfinancial relationships may include:
- Serving as a formal advisor to a review panel
- Sitting on the board of an organization whose product or service you discuss in your presentation
- Receiving an award or honor from an organization whose product or service you discuss in your presentation
Please note that having a disclosable financial or nonfinancial relationship does not prevent you from speaking. Disclosing such relationships is intended to give Symposium attendees a more complete context in which to consider the information you provide. As a general guideline, err on the side of disclosure. Refusal to disclose any financial or nonfinancial relationships disqualifies you from presenting at the AZ IDA Learning & Literacy Symposium.
If your presentation is accepted, your disclosure(s) will be included with the presenter’s information. Note that for financial relationships, dollar amounts are not disclosed.
The deadline to complete disclosure forms is Saturday, May 15, 2021.
Questions about the disclosure policy, please email
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