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Arizona’s 2022 NAEP Reading Scores

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The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is a comprehensive evaluation of education in the United States. Through “The Nation’s Report Card,” NAEP provides insights into American students’ knowledge across different subjects and compares achievement levels among states, large urban districts, and student groups. What is NAEP?  | NAEP Achievement Level Descriptions

Arizona’s 2022 NAEP Reading Scores (Snapshot Reports): Fourth Grade  |  Eighth Grade


Addressing Arizona’s Reading Scores: A Call to Action

According to 2022 NAEP Reports, 69% of Arizona fourth graders and 72% of eighth graders tested at or below the basic reading level. These scores highlight a longstanding literacy crisis in Arizona and nationwide.

The Root of the Problem: Teaching Methods, Not Student Ability

The problem is not students’ inability to learn to read but ineffective teaching methods. Research suggests that with proper instruction, 95% of students can learn to read. These low scores indicate systemic failures in reading instruction.

The Need for Educational Reform

To address this crisis, we need substantial educational reform involving:

    • Reforming Teacher Preparation: Incorporate evidence-based reading instruction into teacher preparation programs,  equipping future teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to teach reading effectively and ensuring they understand the Science of Reading.
    • Policy Development: Support policies that prioritize effective reading instruction, ensuring teachers are well-prepared to implement, maintain, and sustain high standards and best practices in reading instruction.
    • High-Quality Resources: Adopt high-quality, research-based reading curricula and instructional materials aligned with the science of reading, and accessible to all teachers. Regularly update these materials to reflect the latest research and best practices.
    • Proactive Measures: Adopt evidence-based, explicit reading instruction and curricula before legislative mandates. Support and provide ongoing professional development opportunities to increase skills and knowledge in effective reading instruction and best practices. 
    • Engagement and Education: Encourage parental and community involvement in reading education. Provide resources and training for parents to support their children’s reading development at home.

The Role of Effective Reading Instruction

Equipping teachers with proper training and ongoing support in the Science of Reading and Structured Literacy (effective reading instruction) will improve reading outcomes and provide students with essential skills for lifelong learning and success.

Resources from the International Dyslexia Association (IDA)

IDA offers invaluable resources and programs to support this reform:

Supporting IDA Arizona

Support IDA Arizona in our mission to raise awareness and provide professional development opportunities. Here’s how you can help:

  • Advocate: Engage with stakeholders, emphasizing the need for change and adopting evidence-based teaching methods, curriculum, and professional development.
  • Community: Join IDA, learn about dyslexia,  the Science of Reading, and Structured Literacy, volunteer your time, and participate in fundraising events like the Dyslexia Dash.
  • Donate: IDA Arizona is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. We rely solely on private donations, sponsorships, and fundraising efforts. Donations help us continue advocating for the dyslexic community and support our vision of Structured Literacy in every K-5 classroom across Arizona.
  • Sponsor: Sponsorships are crucial for funding programs, events, and services that benefit the community. If you can’t sponsor, help by connecting us with potential sponsors in your network.

 Together, we can ensure every student develops the literacy skills necessary to thrive academically and beyond. Let’s create a brighter future for Arizona’s children! Thank you for your support!

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