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Webinar: The Writing Rope with Joan Sedita

September 9, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am


Saturday, September 9th @ 9 am MST/12 pm EST


Registration is full.  

“The Writing Rope: A Framework for Explicit Writing in All Subjects”

This webinar includes an overview of The Writing Rope model for writing instruction (Sedita, 2019). Many teachers do not recognize that effective writing instruction must address multiple components, represented as strands in a rope in this model. An explanation with references to research findings will be provided for the five strands: 1) Critical Thinking (generating ideas and information, stages of the writing process), 2) Syntax (syntactic awareness, sentence elaboration, punctuation), 3) Text Structure (narrative, informational, opinion; paragraph structure; patterns of organization, 4) Writing Craft (awareness of task, audience, purpose; word choice; literary devices, 5) Transcription (spelling and handwriting fluency). This workshop addresses writing instruction across grades 3-12.

This webinar is free to attend. 

Professional Development: One Continuing Education Unit (CEU) will be offered to educators working on their certificate renewal. Participants must attend the live webinar. Cost:  IDA Members $0/Non-members $5 

CEU certificates will be issued to those that submit the CEU – Webinar Reflection Form and make payment. Certificates will be emailed by September 23rd, 2023

Joan Sedita is the founder of Keys to Literacy, a literacy professional development organization working across the United States. Joan has been in the literacy field for over 40 years as a teacher, administrator, and teacher trainer. She is the creator of The Writing Rope framework, and has authored multiple literacy professional development programs, including The Key Comprehension Routine, The Key Vocabulary Routine, Keys to Beginning Reading, Keys to Content Writing, Keys to Early Writing, and Understanding Dyslexia. Beginning in 1975, she worked for 23 years at the Landmark School, a pioneer in the development of literacy intervention programs. Joan was one of the three lead trainers in MA for the Reading First Program and was a LETRS author and trainer. Joan received her M.Ed. in Reading from Harvard University and her B.A. from Boston College. 

IDA Arizona Moderator: Heather Caciola




September 9, 2023
9:00 am - 10:00 am




IDA Arizona
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